Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 46 - 65 Miles to Larned

Thursday, July 10 - 65 miles to Larned, KS (pop. 4,200) in an unbelievable horrific headwind 30-40 mph. Everyone was talking about it! It was hot today, close to 100! There was a hint of a tailwind on the first stretch, then the wind was coming from the S/SW. Saw 6 riders and closed within a bridge length but couldn't catch them. I was cycling at 4 mph. Later on I saw a group of 3 cyclists fully supported & carrying only water so they invited me, with my fully loaded bike, to "hop on with them" and I got my speed up to 10 mph. No wildlife but I'm starting to see trees again. Nice!

Snacked on a hot dog earlier in the day and upon reaching Larned, I checked in with the police department (don't worry, I am not in trouble, it's just a requirement if you want to camp in the city park.) I set up my tent next to the picnic pavilion and took a cold shower (there was hot water but it felt so good to cool down). I bought some groceries and ordered a small Papa John's pepperoni, mushroom, and green pepper pizza which I ate along with a pre-made Caesar salad (I ate the whole bag of salad!), raspberry yogurt, and chocolate milk.

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